WANTED: Experienced, Self Employed, ethical Business to Business Sales People….
If you are experienced in Business Electricity / Gas sales/ promotion it could well
be! We have been involved in the energy business since the mid-nineties.
Could you fill this role?
Business Energy Experts (The Energy Company)
Want to work for us?
Call: 01824 703253
Email: ----
Business Energy Experts © 2025
Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs
“I have been in the Energy business for over 20 years including periods selling
on behalf of EON and NPOWER.
In 2009, I was advised to contact The Energy Company. They had been in
business since the mid-1990’s, but had introduced a TPI (3rd party
Intermediary Service) for a few Agents.
I met with the two Directors, John Davies and Colin Pritchard. They had a
wealth of experience in the Energy business and I was offered the
opportunity to become a Self-Employed Agent, processing contracts through
their Company.
I immediately saw the advantages in working through a multi-supplier
Agency and started to earn good money. A couple of years later, they
purchased their own office building in Ruthin, North Wales, taking on more
agents, and expanding the support staff infrastructure.
I have to state that I have earned my biggest commissions
by far with The Energy Company. Commissions always
paid on time and any query regarding support identified
and rectified immediately.
If you want to earn top commissions paid promptly, H.Q.
friendly, excellent query response time, money
safe and secure, don’t look any further, contact
John or Colin today.”
I have done it, so can you…
Welsh Language subsidiary Company
PWER CYMRU available for Agents
who might wish to trade in Wales
through the medium of Welsh!